Tuning Up Turning Trends ~ 11 Jul 2020

There’s a tricky wicket ahead in the turning trends of planets shifting direction to move this way and that way. Within the twists required to negotiate these wickets, conscious attention must be applied. The reality is everyone’s feeling backed up by coronavirus restrictions. Collective frustration runs at a global frenzy not seen in decades. We’re only halfway through a year seemingly destined to be a blow off (except for those willing to grab the last seven weeks or so). The urge to overly and exuberantly express pent up feelings and frustrations may inspire actions that jump the gun, blow it all up, cut off the nose to spite the face, or shoot oneself in the foot.


Ceres, recently retrograde in Pisces, seeks to advocate for any perceived underdog - whether an underdog or not. During this era emotional adamance may override reason and cause losing sight of the end game.

Mercury currently stands stationary inching direct in Cancer in the next hours. That ole “you’re either with me or against me” feeling wave surfaces, adding “I thought you were on my side.”

Chiron pauses at station in Aries fixing to move retrograde and in the next two days feels the full extent of Martian impulses as Mars in Aries - albeit on his home turf - as he moves into conjunction with one of his nearest neighbors. His retrograde lasts well into December.

Mars, cozying up with Chiron, goes retrograde in early September and hangs out in that mode through the first fortnight of November. Like Chiron, he does not change signs while retrograde. As such Mars and Chiron stoke up Aries with lingering persistence with an underscored need to position for perspective in all things such that actions benefit agendas, personal gain, development of soulful urges and ultimately render more confidence than ever.

Given the times of saturation with unending daily statistics in this coronavirus thing, how about some bullet points to break all this down?

First up, the Aries occurrence of Chiron conjunct Mars (13 July). Chiron while retrograde in Aries asks for a review of thoughts, words and deeds expressed during the last little while. He wants to know how each of those things contributed to a sense of overall betterment, personal improvement and soulful enrichment. When aligned with Mars he encourages... adamantly encourages... engaging in activities and only those activities that contribute to betterment on every level of personal excellence. If it does not further, disengage.

Mercury now direct, prepares to oppose Jupiter (29 July), Pluto (31 July), and Saturn in Capricorn (2 August). As this month ends and next month commences, clarify for yourself what you believe. When clear on your platform, let others know and stick to your guns to appease Pluto and your soul urges. As Mercury comes up to Saturn there is a stop loss point for consideration. Can the perplexing situations around you be fixed... now or ever? If not, cut the losses and move on.

The Ceres station in Pisces is within a half degree of Nessus. On a mundane level this represents a heap of advocacy and campaigning regarding antibody testing. On a personal level the alignment demands that on a physical level one do things that are good for the blood. On an emotional level the connection encourages a person to keep in mind that while fiercely advocating for personal quests and causes, avoid doing things that create bad blood. This aspect repeats 26 December, presumably with an easier go of it.

Ceres conjoins the dwarf planet Gonggong on 3 September. Here there will be all sort of claims and theories about China and the virus. The aspect comes back around 30 November. Likely here the actual facts of what happened in Wuhan become clear. The challenge will be to clarify what you believe personally and the information surfacing. As well, what life battles should you actually engage? Pick battles with care such that the effort required does not cause life to spin off all a kilter.

A factoid to recall about Ceres is that when she is in full advocacy mode, perspective and objectivity can be lost. Threats may be made, challenges issued that either do not serve the best overall purposes. The antidote: No nose removal activities to spite the face in the short term. Assume no positions that cause your selfies to make you look like a Picasso... no matter how Piscean and cool that might seem in the current moment.

If things do muck up, Ceres reaches Neptune in Pisces on 21 January 2021. This era offers smoothing and healing in all things and in generally good ways. That is a while away. So while working through those sticky and tricky wickets, consider.

What is your endgame?

What do you think you can do right now... despite everything... to make the endgame more easily attainable? Will this produce ideal results?

What is your intention for pursuing this endgame? Be honest with yourself. Everyone else is too distracted to care.

Will your plan align with your intentions and serve the endgame?

Are you doing this campaign to create good for all involved? A lot of Aquarius energy and Uranian aspects commence up at the end of this year and into next.

Will your efforts sooth and assuage as you advance forward from here?

Here’s to increasing ease in all efforts. Here’s to creatively flourishing. Here’s to good returning to the planet sooner and with greater ease than currently seems possible.

More soon!